Saturday, November 22, 2008

Van Gogh no more

It appears that Jace will not have to re-enact Van Gogh's famous cutting of the ear. It was a legitimate possibility for a while as Jace's first ear infection of the season required a visit to the family dr., a visit to the ENT, 2 bottles of ear drops, and 2 oral antibiotics. Is it finally gone you ask? That remains to be seen. Jace's follow-up with the ENT isn't until the week after Thanksgiving. Luckily the icky drainage has finally ceased, making for a much more attractive Jace. When the ENT called with Jace's ear culture results, she told us that 3 different types of bacteria were found in his ear with just one swab! And to think that was all running down his cheeks for almost 2 weeks!
And an additional story about another of Jace's 'identifying features'. First, Mommy must make it clear that she absolutely LOVES Jace's hair. True, it causes problems at times and will not, under any circumstances, lay flat. It is SO Jace though and totally adds personality to his look. Mommy styles, lifts, and gels that hair with pride daily. One day, Jace and Mommy were wheeling through Wal-Mart when a nice lady stops and says, 'oh my goodness, look at that hair!' Now, Jace and Mommy are used to this kind of reaction from strangers. There is something about a 22-month old who looks like they stuck their finger in a light socket that gets people's attention. Mommy smiles at the lady politely. The lady proceeds to explain that she is a hair dresser and she has never seen so many cow-licks. Yes, Mommy smiles, thinking Jace is so rare in having this wonderful hair. As the lady walks off, she looks back at Jace and says, 'It's ok, my daughter would know how you feel..........she has really big ears'.
Ok, so Mommy only has a few pictures to share at this time. Being the true E-bay addict that she is, she has decided to try and start selling some of Jace's old items. Therefore, much of her camera is full of pictures of used baby clothes. Anyway, Jace will be heading to Sesame Street Live in a few days so stay tuned for some sure-to-be cute pics!!

Checkin' out Daddy's tattoo, which displays Jace's initials

Hmmm. How old do I have to be before I get one of those?

Little book worm. Can't even get through breakfast without a little reading material.


Rachel said...

I understand your addiction with ebay. I have been a bit obsessed with selling things on craigslist. Does Jace need a radio flyer wagon or little tykes table that seats 8? Just checking :)

I think Jace's hair is cute! I would love to be able to style my boys' hair like that...they just don't have much to work with!