Sunday, July 27, 2008

Despite a few mishaps...........

Mommy and Daddy completed the Bix and Jace had a great time at Nana and Papa C.'s this weekend. Jace greatly enjoyed his time with Nana and Papa but it looks as though his new best friend is Papa's grandson, Brian. Brian is 11 and was so good with Jace! Jace laughed for like 12 hours straight! While Jace was playing with Nana, Papa, and Brian, Mommy and Daddy were expending some energy at the Bix. Now, to get to the mishaps we must first start the night before. Mommy forgets her deodorant. Who goes to run in a tough 7-mile race and doesn't bring deodorant? Next, Mommy goes to bed for the night hoping to get some good sleep before her run. What time do her eyes finally close you ask? 5 am. Yep, Mommy ran on 1 hour of sleep. Next, for those of you who have heard of her previous problems (due to giving birth to Jace)--well they were back! Then, Mommy finally makes it to the finish line but what does she do? Forgets to look at the clock to see her time! Pretty sure she was the only one out of tens of thousands of runners who FORGOT to see what their time was! Finally, Mommy and Daddy meet up and she loses a contact due to a large quantity of sweat, skin, and eye boogers building up in her eye. In the end though it was a great run. Mommy did find out her time in the online results and discovered that she indeed beat Daddy, although he did great too. Mommy finished in 1:05 and Daddy finished in 1:09. It was crazy because even though Mommy and Daddy finished a little over 4 minutes apart, there were over a thousand people in between them! Mommy placed 183rd out of 838 in her age division so she gave herself a big pat on the back for that one!! It was definitely one of the toughest runs--it started with a hill that lasted 1/3 of a mile at an almost 9% incline! The last 3 miles were a combination of steep hills and gradual incline! Oh and Mommy found her deodorant.....AFTER the race!

Papa C. and Brian volunteered at the Jr. Bix--which Jace is already training for. He will be running in the 5 and under division next year! Anyway Brian got a medal for volunteering and he shared it with Jace. Jace thought he was pretty cool and kept putting it back on.

Kissing Brian

Kissing Papa

Brian had a super cool motorized bike that Mommy got to tool around on.

He even took Jace for a ride. Jace was in heaven of course.

There was a photographer at the finish line of the race so Mommy and Daddy should have pics emailed to them in the next day or so. They may be shared with you, our loyal readers, if Mommy deems them acceptable (meaning she doesn't look like she just ran 7-miles at the end of July without deodorant and eye boogers crusting in her eyes).
Oh and despite what the pictures look like, Jace did wear clothes during part of our trip.