Thursday, July 24, 2008

Copy and Paste

Well, apparently Aunt Erin was quite displeased with Mommy's previous posting. According to her keen eye, Tom Thomas was pictured in TWO photos while Aunt Erin was plum left out of the entire post...GASP!!!! Mommy politely reminded Aunt Erin that Jace was not photographed with her on this particular trip to which she replied, "Then Copy and Paste one". Sooooo, this is for Aunt Erin--a post all to herself!

Oh yes....and not to take away from Aunt Erin's glory but Mommy must remind everyone to be thinking of her and Daddy on Saturday morning as they tackle the Bix. Jace will get to spend the morning with Nana C. while Mommy and Daddy run. Mommy even prepared Jace for his visit by teaching him to say Nana and Papa! Let's just hope he performs like he is supposed to when he sees them!! After the run, Daddy is off to Indianapolis for some car race--maybe the Brickyard--sounds familiar anywayy?? Who knows but he will surely have fun!