Thursday, July 31, 2008

Copy Cat

Jace has become quite the little copy cat as of late! He has been imitating actions for quite a while which was hilarious in itself. Mommy would stretch before running and Jace would imitate her. Daddy would crack his neck (odd we know) and Jace would imitate him. It was like he was this little fly on the wall taking everything in and all of the sudden he would copy something. Well, unfortunately it has now turned more verbal. No, nothing naughty but mouths must be watched nontheless. The other day Mommy was talking on the phone to Aunt Erin (now known as NNN) as she told Mommy about her air conditioner breaking on her drive back to KC. So Mommy was saying what a long drive it must have been and how hot etc, etc, etc. Jace is several feet away playing by himself and Mommy hears "drive, drive drive". Mommy laughs. Next she hears "hot, hot, hot". Yes folks, he hears EVERYTHING--guess those tubes are working anyway!
Daddy had today off which was PERFECT because it was Mommy and Daddy's 4th Anniversary! Yay! This morning was spent at the petting zoo as Jace fed some of the animals and chased others. Unfortunately he wanted to go in the pen with the chickens so Mommy had to follow. This was a little unnerving (especially after the bird peeing incident at the zoo). It ended up being a nice time however and thanks to Tina, Davon, and Haley, Mommy and Daddy were able to dine ALONE tonight. Oooh Mommy is still in a food coma and it feels wonderful. Here's to another year without a child-free dinner! This one was so good it may just get us through!

Helping Daddy snake the sink---ick!

Being a cool dude with his new Thomas backpack--have we mentioned lately that Jace LOVES Thomas?

Chasing the poor goats

Feeding the horses a carrot

Checking for gas in the mower (just like Daddy does)

Helping Daddy with the weedeating

And as promised, here are Mommy and Daddy crossing the finish line of the Bix last weekend. Please hold your applause.


Anonymous said...

wala pulos imo blog.

Mavi, Keenan, and Braylon said...

Hey Jacer, cool backpack. We have 2 bunnies- Dorie and Bugs. I don't know what kind they are. But they sure are cute! See you later.

Preston and Ashten's World said...

Hey hope to see you this should come a day early--the Zoo is $2 day on Wednesday and my Mommy and I are going in the morning at 9:30....also I LOVE this little water park near my house that is open on Thurs from 9-11 for just $4--it's just for little ones like us...okay---have your mommy call mine and we'll hook up...

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