Monday, June 2, 2008


After tornadoes ripped through and destroyed many neighborhoods very near Jace's house (damage started 3 miles from his house) last Sunday, Mommy began thinking about all that she is thankful for. After seeing destruction and hearing horrifying stories of coworkers and strangers alike, Mommy realized that many of the everyday things that cause her stress really are not important in the grand scheme of things. For instance, Jace's 'hitting phase' (yes, Mommy is referring to it as a phase because it too shall pass right?) isn't SO bad. The fact that he has reached the terrible 2's a full 7 months early won't kill Mommy and Daddy--will it? Mommy has decided to focus on what she is thankful for, such as having a happy, healthy little man who had decided that sleeping until 7:30 just in time for summer break is a grand idea!!! Amazingly, she is thankful to be able to go out for a 10-mile run on Sunday morning (with her biggest worry being making it to the water/bathroom stop). Mommy is thankful to have a job that she really enjoys with plenty of time off for Jace. Mommy is thankful for having family and friends that are always there (and always there to dote on Jacer!). Mommy is thankful for her wonderful, how should she put it......protective, dog Ozzy. Of course, Mommy is also thankful for Daddy and all that he does around the house and with the J-Man. So in the end, Mommy is such a lucky gal and of course Jace is a very big part of that. She couldn't ask for a better little guy (ok maybe just 1 less swat at her per day would be nice!).

As mentioned above, Jace has plenty of doting family members and he has had the opportunity to see a great majority of them in the last few weeks. This weekend was no different as Aunt Rita was in town from South Dakota. Jace enjoyed spending time with her and her dog Macie. Jace is such an animal lover. Give him a truck and a dog and he would be in bliss for hours! Anyway, the weekend was swell but limited in pictures (mostly because Aunt Rita felt pictures of her and Jace were "unnecessary"). Jace did get to check out the free petting zoo for the first time and although small, was a nice way to spend a 1/2 hour on a warm day. He also spent nearly 2 hours (sigh) with Aunt Rita while Mommy ran on Sunday morning. Apparently he was neither aware, nor bothered, that Mommy was gone. So to sum up, here are the very few pictures taken recently:

Looking at the birds at the petting zoo. For some reason, Jace kept going back to them over the other animals??

Doing the running man!