Monday, June 16, 2008

Mother Nature is P.O.'d!!

As most of you who live within a 200 mile radius of Jace know, Mother Nature has been kicking our butts lately. It wasn't enough that Jace had to be awakened from his sleep multiple times in one week to head downstairs for tornadoes, but she then sent enough water to force Mommy to seriously consider building an arc! Jace however was such a trooper during the tornado warnings!! Imagine a 17-month old fast asleep at 1:30 am only to be yanked out of his bed and hauled downstairs for 45 minutes. Jace was far from what Mommy would have predicted.......the little stinker thought it was a grand idea and sat on Mommy's lap the whole time pointing things out on the t.v. When it was time to go back to bed..............well, he did just that, without a peep! What a kid!
And then there was the rain, and water, and rain, and water, and river, etc, etc. To make a long story short, Mommy's blogging has been seriously interrupted for over a week now due to the internet being out at Jace's house. Finally today, Mommy got that marvelous Welcome Page she has been hoping to see for days now. Of course losing a little internet connection is definitely tolerable seeing what so many others are going through right now. Jace's next door neighbors are even housing a man who lost his entire home in the floods. Luckily the mandatory evacuations here started exactly ONE block from Jace's house! Thanks to Daddy and so many others' persistent sandbagging efforts, the downtown area was spared of total devastation. Jace's house didn't even see one single drop of water! Mommy's frantic 'saving of her shoes' downstairs proved unnecessary after all! So, in the midst of our weather madness, Jace had several visitors, including Aunt Rita (for a 2nd time) and Aunt Erin and her man Tom. Of course fun was had by all as usual. And this now concludes Mommy's ramblings as you are probably itching for pictures after the long hiatus!

J and Daddy----aren't they too cute?

Ok, so it isn't just Mother Nature that is P.O.'d. Apparently the 'picture gods' are angry at Mommy as well and will not let her upload any more than one picture. Please stay tuned as Mommy will try again when the steam coming from her ears cools.


Preston and Ashten's World said...

We are so happy to hear that you are okay ....and sorry we didnt get to see you last week...what a bummer!!