Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mother Nature is P.O.'d---Part II

Alas, Mommy is able to upload pictures today! Enjoy!

J-Man waiting for Aunt Erin to arrive

Yes, you are seeing the front of him. He has this new thing.....he pulls his hat all the way down over his eyes and tries to walk as far as he can. Definitely his father's child.

What up. For those of you who haven't seen Jace in the flesh lately--whenever someone says 'what's up' to him he gives them a little head nod that makes him look like he's about 18. This trick is courtesy of Daddy of course.

Loving brothers

Helping Daddy open presents on Father's Day

Jace posing with the sandbags just outside of downtown

What most of the businesses say in our downtown

Playing in his super cool new sandbox