Thursday, June 7, 2007

Running Fools

After many weeks of Mommy's indecisiveness and comparing and reviewing we have finally done it!!!!! We got our jogger stroller!! So far Ozzy, Mommy, and Jace love it! Jace falls asleep within minutes whenever we go running with it! Ozzy loves it too because we are back to our early morning runs from the pre-pregnancy days! Our newest goal is for Mommy and Jace to do a 5k together--the sooner the better before he gets TOO heavy!

Jace would also like to show off his new onsie which Mommy finds absolutely hilarious!

And finally, Jace wanted to share his progress in the sitting up department. He's doing great but we have to be very cautious of the tippage---he tips over if he moves his head or arms!! :)


Anonymous said...

your baby is beautiful!!!Congratulations!!!
i´no spiking ingles. i´m argentina.
my blog:

Preston and Ashten's World said...

What a big boy!!! Can't wait to finally meet you....Jen and Preston