Thursday, June 21, 2007

Random Thoughts

We have an overflow of pictures on our computer--due to Mommy's increasing obsessiveness with getting pictures of absoluely EVERYTHING. Here's a few---

Playing dress-up with Aunt Erin (Mommy would never do this to Jace)--of course this is one to break out on his wedding day!!

Sliding with Aunt Erin--notice the look of terror on her face while Jace calmly sucks his thumb!

Perfecting his sitting--he really is sitting all by himself and is not leaning on the wall-- it is an optical illusion--we swear!!

Sleepy baby

Smooth Operator


Preston and Ashten's World said...

Dude, WHATS UP?? You got man boobs or what??? Tell your mom and aunt that is not funny!!