Monday, June 11, 2007

On the Road Again.......

Jace has been at it again.....traveling all over the place! Daddy was in another wedding this weekend so Mommy and Jace made the trip down Saturday afternoon. The wedding was inside this weekend in a somewhat small church. Just small enough to be seated pretty cozy in relation to the rest of the guests. Jace was great at the beginning with the music playing and the wedding party walking etc, etc. After the music stopped and things got quiet is when Jace decided to make his presence known. No, he did not start crying....he took it upon himself to fill his drawers right then! Now Jace is capable of accomplishing this feat with litle or no sound---not Saturday! It was so loud Daddy claims he heard it from the altar! Most of the guests around us were looking at eachother trying to figure out who just let one! We would have been in the clear if Jace had just let it be-- but he took it upon himself to then let out a huge grunt just so there was no question about who did it!! Mommy spent much of the rest of the wedding trying to muffle the aftershocks in Jace's diaper and smother the smell!! She did have a chance to catch a quick picture of Jace and Daddy on the way to the bathroom! Notice Jace looks somewhat smug--and a little proud.

After the wedding reception, Jace and Mommy drove to Grandma and Grandpa's since it was quite a bit closer than home... and they never seem to object to having Jace there. On Sunday Jace got to go to out to eat with his great, terrific, fabulous Aunts Kay and Debbie. After eating Jace decided he would like to try going to the park. If there is one thing becoming apparent in the last few weeks it is that Jace is somewhat fearless. In fact his courage is growing much quicker than his muscles. Mommy is sure this equation is going to equal some bumps and bruises by the time his body catches up to what he thinks he can do!
Jace loved swinging!! You could tell he really thought he was king of the world!

Jace also got to try the slide although Mommy appears to be enjoying it just as much, if not more than Jace!

When Mommy and Jace got home Monday afternoon it was HOT!! Jace hung out by his pool for a little while before we decided it was time for a bath. Notice that Jace's tub is now inside of the big tub. Jace has also discovered how to splash! He went from sitting totally still while being bathed to a complete maniac splashing 3/4 of the water out all over the floor. That's when his tub was moved. He loves the water though--note the fearlessness coming through as he flirts with falling face first in the water!

Jace's toes are also one of the coolest things in the world right now (at least to him). He can't get enough of them--even while taking a bath. He tried for about 5 minutes to get them in his mouth!!

Not too long after Jace got out of the bath he fell asleep playing on the floor--which NEVER happens!! Mommy thought he looked way too cute to move and decided to leave him there until after supper.

Of course she should have remembered the one sure fire way to wake Jace---start to eat!! He woke just in time to enjoy the great weather and eat outside with Mommy, Daddy, and Aunt Erin.

Another fearless move Jace is beginning to attempt is what Mommy likes to call his 'swimmin' on the floor' stance. He lays flat on his belly and lifts his head, arms, and legs, and starts flailing them. He definitely thinks he is going to go somewhere doing this. Unfortunately Mommy had not been able to catch him in the act in a picture because she has been trying to show him that he is going to have to lift his budda belly up first!!!


Mavi, Keenan, and Braylon said...

Hey Jace!
Looks like you are having a super fun and busy summer- I sure hope you like your car seat! You are getting so big and learning sooo much. Like how to embarrass Mommy at weddings- way to go! We love you.