Monday, April 15, 2013

Race Day!

Jace and Mommy participated in the Shamrock Shuffle on Saturday. The Shamrock Shuffle is a 5k and kid's run to benefit Jace's school. 

Before the race. Jace was umm...intense.

Mommy finishing. Oh yeah! 23:24 official time. Apparently someone moved the turn around cone on the trail so it ended up being 2.9 instead of 3.1. Still a pretty good run. And Mommy's Garmin said her average pace was 7:57...anything under 8 minutes is A-ok!

Jace finishing! He was in the 5-7 division and finished 5th...according to him. Mommy isn't exactly sure on the place but he was in the front of the pack. 

He was so excited! Looks like running may be added to his current addictions consisting of karate and basketball.
That be it! Til next time!