Thursday, April 4, 2013

All About Jace

Just a couple things about Jacer. First, Mommy mentioned in the last post how much he loves basketball. He got his basketball hoop up this week and it's all he has thought about ever since. First thing when he wakes up he gets his ball and starts bouncing in the kitchen....that's always fun at 7 am. Right after school, it's back outside until he is forced in. Mommy can't say this upsets her....

He has a shot like his Mommy....that is a good thing of course.

Jace is famous! His class was in the local paper for their Easter celebration at school. They had the last supper and washed their feet. Let Mommy tell you the feet washing didn't turn out well. Apparently Jace didn't let his dry before he put his socks back on. Nastiness.
The End!