Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Before Mommy delves into the Thanksgiving fun, she must tell you that Ozzy is doing great this morning! He will hopefully be coming home today! Also, thanks for all the calls and texts to check on him! They are appreciated! Now, on to the holiday.....
Thanksgiving 2012 was spent at Grandma and Grandpa's house followed by Sunday at Nana and Papa's. Lots 'o pictures to follow......
Lexa and Logan. She is such a little Mommy. Her Mommy probably needs to teach her to actually hold on to the baby when holding him though....

Watching the lighted Christmas Parade with cousins. It was a bit chilly if you can't tell from the bundled wee ones.

Saturday brought a trip to the North Pole on the Polar Express Train. This is a picture of all the kids...minus Lexa.  She was in 'I'm a raging lunatic 2-year old and I will NEVER stand for a picture just because you want me to' mode at this point.

Inside the train. Oooh the excitement builds!

Outside Santa's caboose. Lexa had told Santa that she wanted a baby. When she was walking away she looked at Mommy and said, 'So where's my baby?' Really, it is good logic. She has been told that Santa will give her presents. And she told him what she wanted. Why would she have to wait until Christmas. It would be so much simpler to get the gift on the spot. Think how much time would be saved on Christmas Eve for Santa!

Lexa and her crazy cousin Ashlan. Lexa did smile at one point. Just not this one.

Jace telling Santa his list. It was pretty much what Mommy expected. Except he has decided he wants a skateboard. Oh boy. Has anyone seen him ride a bike?

Crazy Aunt Kay. She does have moves though.

Jacer and Ashlan. She won him over by giving him Spiderman stickers she got at the doctor. He thinks she is pretty awesome.

Apparently Mommy failed at taking pictures at Nana and Papa's. This lone picture is Jacer and Lexa playing the Sock 'Em Robot game that Papa bought. They loved beating eachother up. Speaking of, Mommy will soon post a picture of the wound Lexa gave Jace last night. It was actually a wound too. With blood and all. Sigh.

This speaks for itself.