Sunday, November 18, 2012

A couple randoms.

First, ignore Mommy standing front and center looking goofy. This is the group that Mommy is doing the new model of identifying kids for speech services with. They submitted a proposal to win an award for innovation in the profession through the state Speech and Hearing Association....and won the award! Cool right?!

And this would be Jace's family art project for school. The assignment was to use as many items from around the house to decorate this turkey. Some example items were cloth, buttons, sequins, etc. Soooo, did domestic Mommy have ANY of these items? Umm, no. So, Jace's family project consisted of cereal, noodles, chocolate chips, and cookie sprinkles (you know kitchen staples). Lexa really enjoyed this activity as evidenced by her green hands and mouth. If only you could have seen Mommy's mouth you would realize how much the apple truly doesn't fall far from the tree.....
So there you have it. A couple of randoms.