Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Installment #2

Okoboji...continued from the previous post.......

Bean at the fish hatchery

Everyone took a boat ride around the lake....this is the whole crew minus Daddy.

And THIS is the whole crew minus Mommy.

Jace got to honk the horn on the boat!

It was pretty chilly the entire time so no official beach time was experienced. BUT,  this particular night started with a dip of the feet in the lake with pants rolled.

It soon turned into removal of pants, shirts, etc......

And more body parts submerged than just ankles........

In the end some extremely fun pictures were obtained to be used at a later date...possible for blackmail and possibly just for entertainment.

The cousins watching the sunset on the last night.

Poor Uncle Chuck. He was trying to convince Lexa to ride on his back but she continually refused. The 5-year olds however, did not.