Tuesday, June 26, 2012

13.1 and DONE!!

2 black toenails, many trips to the chiropractor, and one bum knee later, Mommy and Fabulous Aunt Kay did it!! They completed their very first 1/2 marathon on Sunday!! As of mile 12 it was their one and only 1/2 marathons but since then there has already been discussion of future races!

Mommy is going to give you a quick recap of the race because she likes to talk about it and because she wants to remember it in the future. It started at 7 am which ended up being perfect timing because it had been storming until about 6:30. Nerves were definitely evident in both Mommy and Aunt Kay at the start but they just started running....and didn't stop! Mommy felt great and even caught up with another friend around mile 4 and was able to make the time go quicker by running with her and making small talk until about mile 6. It was right after the water stop at mile 6 that Mommy's knee decided to be the problem it had been the last few weeks in training. It completely spasmed/cramped and Mommy had to basically come to a halt. She tried walking but even that was painful for a  minute or so. Slowly she was able to limp, which turned into a walk, which then turned back into a jog. And low and behold, the knee never did it again! Strange but Mommy was so thankful!! So onward she plowed still feeling pretty darn good until about mile 9. At that water station Mommy asked a volunteer what mile they were at and she replied '9ish'. Ugg!! So the pace started to slow at that point but the end was in sight. And the end eventually came!! And what a wonderful sight the end was!! Mommy enjoyed 90% of the race (excluding the bum knee and mile 11 and 12!) and is thinking round 2 may be in the future...to improve her time of course. Mommy ended up finished in 2 hours and 6 minutes.....9:37 minutes/mile. Fabulous Aunt Kay finished just a couple minutes later and was quick enough to place 5th in her age group!! Once again she gets to add to her 'trophy collection'!! Check out the pictures!

Mommy almost there!! She can't figure out how to put arrows in with her new photo editing but she is right above the 'IN THE'. Thanks to Fabulous Uncle Doug for sitting on a lawn chair for 2 hours and waiting at the finish line to capture the moment!!

And Fabulous Aunt Kay headed to the finish!! She is right above the words 'Finish Line'!!

We did it!!!!!

Jace participated in the kids run again this year....and was awarded with cookies and juice at the finish!!

Hopefully to complete a race together someday!!

And finally....the 5th place finisher in her age division. Getting her picture taken. She's famous!!