Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Week in review (ok a week and a few days).

What in the world?! Mommy thought she would have more time to blog when she wasn't working. Turns out it is a full time job trying to keep two kids entertained. And let Mommy tell you, she works HARD to keep them (and herself) entertained. Staying home just doesn't cut it. Mommy ends up wanting to pull her hair out and jump up and down screaming. So she, Jacer, and Lexa have been trying to do something in the morning and something in the afternoon each day. It may be just going to the store or it may be meeting friends for lunch or at the park. There have been lots of picnics and lots of pool time. So without further ado....some pictures chronicling these activities.

Bean in her 4th of July best.

Lexa's 'model pose'. Would you guess Mommy used natural wind to achieve this look.

This. This would be the look Mommy and Daddy are given no less than 25 times per day. It either states, 'I'm going to do something bad' OR 'You look stupid, what should I do next'.

Jace and his buddy Joshua hanging out at the new inflatable park.

4th of July pedicure. If there is something Lexa likes more than brushing her teeth it's getting her nails painted.

Relaxing in her swing. The life of a 15 month old can be very hectic and stressful you know.

Popsicle after the pool.

She loves him so. He thinks she is not bad either.

Inflatables at the fireworks celebration. Can you find the Jacer??

It was inevitable that Lexa would see a giant slide and want to go down it. Mommy kept telling her no because it was clearly stated you had to be 3. But then a nice young lady told Mommy SHE could take Lexa down on her lap. Great. You may not be able to see the look of terror on Mommy's face at this angle. Lexa, of course, came down laughing.


He has been wanting goggles and Mommy decided to get him some in the hopes of continuing to improve his water habits. Problem: he treats them like sunglasses and has been wearing them everywhere. So going in Walmart, Jace has his goggles on and Lexa has her baby nose sucker. Ah, it's a sight.

P.S. He is Spiderman in this picture. As if you couldn't tell right?

Catching lightning bugs. He was actually rather good at it. Turns out the lightning bugs are slow in these parts.

Can I have a car? Oh you laugh but Mommy can see this very soon.

She has an obsession with brushing her teeth. Unfortunately even a stool doesn't allow her to reach.

And that would be THE END! No worries, Mommy goes back to work in a month and half. She will have more time to blog then!