Friday, July 22, 2011


It has been hot. Like really hot. It's even hot at the pool. And there are a lot of little bugs there. Mommy isn't sure if this is due to the heat or not but they are annoying. It is already a full time job making sure Lexa doesn't drown. Add in a few bugs and she is really a handful. She has probably ingested between 20 and 40 bugs as of late. It's really not too big of a deal but kind of gross to see legs and wings hanging out of her pretty little mouth.

Moving on.....

Since it has been so hot the majority of Jace and Lexa's time has been spent swimming. There was actually a recent rainy day so the children's museum was the destination and there was a night spent dining at Bluff Lake with Nana and Papa.

Well hello world......

Peeking at the ducks at Bluff Lake.

Mommy really could have done a better job of taking pictures at Bluff Lake but Jace came down with some devastating illness a quarter of the way through eating. This devastating illness is also commonly referred to as a runny nose.

Jacer and his buddy Lauren staying cool in her pool.

Wanna know how to eat an ear of corn? This is how it's done people.

Catching a fish at the children's museum.

Exploring a spooky cave. Jace even found a snake. He waited until getting home to ask if it was just a toy.

Eating in China. Jace dressed up in traditional Chinese clothing at this exhibit but opted out of the photograph Mommy so desperately wanted to take.

That's all for now folks!