Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day and then some.

Happy (belated) Father's Day to Daddy, Papa, Grandpa, and Grandpa Steve!! Jace and Lexa's Day was spent at Nana and Papa's house for a BBQ. It was a great time and they can't wait to go back. Pictures below.

The other pictures are of recent outings Jace and Lexa have been on. Mommy's main goal for the summer...Wear them out whenever possible!

The petting zoo was a destination one afternoon. Jace was so concerned with his sister getting bit. He spent most of his time pulling her hand away or telling her no.

Like in this picture....the llamas are just out of sight to the left. Granted, they were a little funny looking with their long necks and big teeth. However, Jacer couldn't take his eyes off of them for even a second to look at the camera. You never know when a llama is going to jump ship, come over the fence, and eat you. Don't tell Jace Mommy said that!

Lexa, on the other hand, is scared of little. This is her one afternoon in the park. She just throws herself down the slide. No regard for messing up her hair, getting her dress muddy, or say...breaking a leg!

This was a little out of character for Jace...climbing a wall. And he made it all the way to the top. He may have found his sport!

Another hobby of Jace's...photography. Particularly self portraits. Mommy is only showing you 3 because the other 905 are fairly similar.

He is cute though isn't he?

Another adventure was hitting up the strawberry farm..patch?...Mommy does not know proper wording here. Anyway, it was great. Lexa ate her weight (and then some) in strawberries. Thus saving Mommy $ as they were weighed and paid for later!

This girl was stuffing them in her mouth faster than Mommy could pick them. Finally, Lexa just started picking them herself so she could eat faster. There was no denying it either...her entire face and clothes were covered in red and dirt!

Mr. Jacer at the strawberry farm.

Jace and Lexa doing some picking. Actually if you look closely, you will notice that Jace is picking while Lexa is desperately trying to get around him to get at more that she could eat.

It's great having a big strong male around.

There were even animals at the strawberry farm! Don't worry, Jace was just as concerned with Lexa getting bit there too. There were after all, random chickens running around. You may remember he had a bit of a mishap with a chicken one year at the pumpkin patch....

A few pictures from Nana and Papa's house.....

Lexa found one of Papa's old dolls. His name is Boo. He isn't exactly your typical doll but Lexa was having a great time loving on him.

Jace and Lexa doing a little wrestling. It looks rough but she loves it just as much as he does.

Hanging out with Papa.

Getting a little WWF time in with Daddy.

And finally, a shot of Jace and his buddy Gaige during a picnic at the park last week. They are becoming such boys!

The End!