Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Back in Business.

All is right with the world today. At least Mommy's world. She is wrapping up at work, drinking Starbucks. Finished a nice, shall we say....steamy run, and blogger is up and at 'em again. Doesn't get much better people. Anyway, back to that adorableness you stopped by to see.....

Aunt Rita was in town over the weekend. She brought Jacer a couple of books and read to him before bed.

Saturday, Mommy, Rita, Jace, and Lexa headed to the Quad Cities to check out the American Pickers weekend. That ended up lasting all of 5 minutes. Somehow Daddy had locked the keys in the house thus needing to call a locksmith (ok, maybe it wasn't Daddy that did it but this is Mommy's blog and she is gonna tell it how she remembers). This delayed departure by approximately 1 hour. By the time the crew actually found the American Pickers store another good while had went by. In the end, they missed most of the fun and made a quick run over to the zoo instead.

Which was a good idea in theory.

Mommy's GPS (a.k.a. Aunt Rita) was broken. She couldn't remember if it was left or right or up or down or anything in between. So, a good 30-40 minutes later everyone arrived at the zoo.

It was worth the wait. Jacer and Lexa loved it!

Checking out the giraffes.

Feeding the goats.

Riding the train. What more could a 4-year old boy ask for. Except maybe a ride in Lightning McQueen. Or to spin a web.

It wasn't easy getting this one to sit still. Actually, now that Mommy thinks about it...it never is.

After the zoo Jace and Lexa met up with Nana and Papa. Can you believe that Lexa was so into her food?? Oh you can believe it? Yeah, so can Mommy.

Some nice old man had a tractor pulling a wagon outside the restaurant. He told Jace if he ate all his food he would take him for a ride. Of course Jace didn't eat all of his food but of course he still got a ride. That's just how Mommy rolls.


Oooh, you can just see the mischief in her eyes......Those pig tails just add to the look.

Aunt Rita brought Mommy a lot (and when Mommy says a lot she means a LOT) of stuffed animals to give as prizes to her kids at school. Jace was in hog heaven.

What can Mommy say.....

WATERMELON! Jace was so excited when Mommy brought home this watermelon. You would have thought she bought him new socks or something.

Isn't he sweet?

Little Miss Independent. She would love to help out around the house. Those short legs are always getting in the way. Mommy understands your pain Bean. Mommy understands.

Heading to the pool for the first time.

Ready for summer vaca!!

You probably can't handle any more cuteness for today. Give yourself a rest and check back soon!