Sunday, October 10, 2010

Meeting the Cousin

Jace and Lexa had the opportunity to meet their cousin Braylon yesterday! He and Aunt Alisa were in town from Colorado and the whole family gathered at Grandma Rosie's. Braylon and Lexa were born just a few weeks apart and spent most of their day lunging at eachother, stealing toys, drooling, and avoiding naps. Jacer, of course, was gaga for Braylon and used an 'in your face' approach to get to know his newest cousin.

Jace meeting Braylon....Braylon had no idea how many kisses were in store!

Jace and Ali looking for the baby kitties. Mommy had to snap a picture of Jace with his arm around Ali!

Loving on the kitties

As always, Jace and Lexa were spoiled with things like this awesome dino raincoat from Nana and Papa. Thanks everyone!

The three cousins playing....they missed Maveric and Keenan though!

Standing tall together.

Lexa and Braylon playing outside. Actually they spent much of the time trying to sneak leaves in their mouths.

Aren't they sweet....most of the time.

Classic Jace. Rubbing the baby's belly.

Lexa even got to play dress up with some of Grandma Rosie's jewelry. She seemed to love it...maybe she will be a frills kind of girl....

She did however, get a pink Cinderella wand as a gift and trade it off for a nice dump truck. Trucks or ruffles, she looks like a princess!