Thursday, October 7, 2010

Happy 7-months Lexa Bean!

Lexa is 7-months old today! Didn't Mommy just write her 6-month post? Whew! It's going too fast!! It's quite a bit harder to get a good picture of little miss these days because she DOES NOT sit still for long........

Lexa, at 7-months you:

*are a busy bee. Although you aren't quite crawling (Mommy was wrong in her estimations) you are very mobile. Mommy can put you down on one side of the room and before she knows it you are on the other. You at times, try to pull yourself up but just don't have the strength yet. You seem to want to do whatever that silly big brother of yours does.

*you are fairly vocal. Lots of babbling...seems your favorite sound is /d/ at this point. Mommy is quite certain however, that /m/ will be up there soon...with Mama being your first word of course...probably more like Jace or Bubba.

*you weigh around 16 lbs and are 26 inches long.

*you are wearing mostly 6-9 month clothes and a size 3 diaper.

*you have done much better over the last month with your separation anxiety, although you are still pretty wary of others holding you. 'Just look, Don't touch' is your motto.

*you still love cars and trains. Of course, that is 99% of the toys in your house so it's only natural.

*Jace is still your #1 by far.

*you LOVE to eat...mostly from a spoon. You are eating cereal and several fruits and vegetables every day. Mommy also introduced you to puffs...although you put literally everything in your mouth these days, the puffs are thrown to the floor. You still nurse 3-4 times a day and drink from a sippy cup at Tricia's house.

*you still have tons of hair that gets longer daily. It has lightened some and is now in your eyes. Those pretty little bows that Mommy used for decoration early in your life are now a necessity to hold your hair back so you can see!

*you have 2 teeth! Front and bottom. They were little boogers coming in and kept you (and Mommy) up a fair share of nights. Mommy keeps many teeth does this child have to get...isn't 2 plenty??

A few more recent pictures of the newly turned 7-month old!