Saturday, August 7, 2010


The time is going by too quickly! Little Miss is 5-months old today! Seems like just yesterday the little peanette was kneeing Mommy in the bladder.

Lexa, at 5-Months you:

-are extremely attached to Mommy. At times you will let others hold you or (gasp) touch you but not for long. You are beginning to do better with Daddy (thank goodness since he will be caring for you on Wednesdays).

-you are doing better with the bottle. You still don't get much out of it but are not fighting it. It seems you just don't quite get it. You chew, suck a little, then chew. Anyway, it's progress.

-you still weigh 14 lbs. Mommy thinks you are about 24 1/2 inches or so long.

-you are wearing mostly 6 month clothes and still a size 2 diaper.

-you can actually fit in to a couple of pairs of shoes! Way to go little feet!

-you are a mover and shaker! You would love to be able to run across the room! You can sit alone using your hands for balance. You can sit upright for moments at a time but usually topple over pretty quickly.

-you roll easily and actually rolled across the room a few weeks ago. Mommy set you down by the chair and came back a few minutes later to find you by the tv. Great.

-you still love to babble.

-Jace is your bestest, bestest friend. He still adores you although he has been a littler perturbed several times when you knocked over his milk or dumped his bowl.

-you LOVE eating off a spoon. Cereal, cooked carrots, mashed sweet potatoes, mashed avocado, and mashed banana are where you are at.

-you are becoming a champion sleeper! It took you a little while but you are now sleeping 10-12 hours at night consistently. You also are a great napper, typically taking 2 a day. Yesterday you even napped for 3 1/2 hours in the afternoon!

-you are such a sweet little thing. You smile all the time and love to giggle. If only you could do these things without Mommy there!