Monday, November 9, 2009


Mommy’s greatest apologies to Jace’s regular readers. It isn’t even as though Mommy has been too busy to write. Actually, it may be just that. Jace hasn’t been up to much.

The end of the week did provide some photo ops however, as Jace experienced his first movie rental and a visit to Grandma Rosie’s house.

First, movie night. Mommy has kept a secret from Jace for a long time. Actually, two secrets. First, he had no idea that the t.v. in the living room was actually capable of playing his DVD’s. This was primarily selfish in that Mommy didn’t want to have Thomas and Curious George playing 24/7 in the living room. Also, she wanted to keep t.v. time separate from playtime. Typically Jace watches his movies upstairs either during nap rest time or right before bed as ‘wind down’ time. This worked well for 2 ½ years. The other secret was that one could actually borrow (rent) a movie for a few days and then return it (due to the inevitable argument over the returning part). Jace loved the idea of borrowing the movie. Mommy hasn’t had to tackle the discussion of returning it yet.

Anyway, Mommy and Daddy promised Jace that Friday would be movie night, complete with renting Madagascar 2, ordering pizza, and making popcorn. Jace even gave the entire family assigned seating for the event. He was excited all week and continually reminded Mommy that he got to watch the movie downstairs. Unfortunately, when Daddy went to rent the movie it was unavailable. Jace settled for ‘The Wild’, which was hard to handle at first but is quickly becoming a favorite. Daddy was even smooth enough to get the movie going while Mommy distracted Jacer. Hopefully the secret is still safe!

Saturday was spent watching the Hawkeyes and then crying. No more on that subject.

Sunday, Jace headed down to Grandma Rosie’s to spend some time with Nana and Papa and the rest of the family.

Even though Mommy knew there would be food at Grandma Rosie’s, Peanette (seems more appropriate than Peanut) is always hungry so Mommy decided to feed her. Even Jace, being the bird eater that he is, wouldn’t have lasted without any food. So, Mommy whipped up a quick snack. As you can see, Jace was not thrilled. His expressions were cracking Mommy up so of course she started snapping pictures!

He finally decided the teddy grahams were edible...probably because he noticed the chocolate chips. The apple doesn’t fall far.

And just to ensure his 2T pants would need a belt for another winter, he did a few laps around the house….with 2 of Mommy’s headbands on.

Seriously, the kid needs more boys at school. He is one of only 3 in his class and they are rarely there on the same days. Mommy consistently walks in to pick him up and finds him with a purse or doll snug in his arms. He is a ladies’ man though…..he knows how to win them over….become educated on their interests!
At Grandma Rosie’s there was a lime pile… apparently push Daddy off of

And many family members to show off for...
Jace and Ali

Checking out Uncle Keith’s scruff

Coloring with Nana. He kept saying, ‘Good job Nana’.

Speaking of telling people good job…..Jace cheered Mommy on this morning as she did her business on the potty. He told her ‘good job’ and ‘don’t forget to push it down’. ‘It’ being something Mommy (or Peanette) doesn’t have to worry about!