Friday, November 20, 2009

100% Girl!

Mommy is finally convinced! The first thing the ultrasound tech said today was, "Oh, do you know what you are having?". Mommy replied with her rote, "Well, they say it's a girl". "Definitely", confirmed the tech! She even showed Mommy the 3 little white lines known as 'girl parts'. The tech said it typically isn't that easy to tell but little peanette obviously wanted to reassure her Momma! Bring on the pink! (Ok, Mommy hasn't really been holding off on the pink anyway, but now she can feel really confident with it!)The tech also told Mommy and Daddy that Peanette already weighs 1 lb, 5 oz! So there is a reason Mommy has been asked multiple times in the last couple days if she is sure there is only one in there. She has also received several comments stating that there is no way Mommy is making it to March. Gotta love random input from near strangers!

The tech only took a few pictures today since the point was to check out the placenta. Mommy and Daddy won't know for sure if it's moved up to where it belongs until Monday. The radiologist has to check out the images and compare with the first ultrasound to see if the placenta is making it's move.

The pictures the tech did take weren't put on a disc this time so Mommy resorted to taking pictures of pictures....since she still hasn't attempted to hook up the scanner. Anywho, Mommy also decided to try and label them in case anyone had trouble seeing baby girl. Mommy thought it was easy to see until she tried to show Jace. He said, "Oh look at the sun". Umm, no. Mommy tried to point out her lips and nose but he just couldn't tell. He kept turning the picture upside down and sideways. Finally, he re-confirmed, "It's a sun".

Peanette's face

Peanette's profile

And a few of Jacer since you will definitely be able to pick him out!