Friday, October 16, 2009


Jace loves the camera....and Mommy thinks the camera loves him. In any case, Mommy realized the video posting was very much lacking. As Jace tried desperately to eat his chicken nuggets the other night, Mommy had him perform to catch up on videos. The kid NEVER STOPS TALKING. Mommy was just sure he was quieter at daycare but Miss Tricia confirmed that he talks ALL DAY there as well. Such a shocker since Mommy and Daddy were both basically mute until grade school. Who says 2 negatives don't make a positive?

P.S. Mommy's favorite new Jaceism....'It's a big dark outside'. As opposed to it's a little dark. Can't say he doesn't know his opposites!

P.P.S. Mommy has been trying to upload the 2nd video all day. First, it takes like 30 minutes in the first place. Then, Mommy has a certain 2-year-old that runs by and closes her computer (which makes it shut off) at about 29 1/2 minutes! Ahh. She could scream! Every time he does it, he looks up and smiles and says, 'was that funny'? Mommy tried to explain that he wasn't going to have any videos on his blog. Surprisingly, it didn't faze Jace and he did it AGAIN! Yeah, Yeah, Mommy shouldn't leave her computer within reach but at this point you will have to do without the 2nd video...which was of Jace singing the itsy bitsy spider. Maybe tomorrow.


Mavi, Keenan, and Braylon said...

I love Ozzy in the background waiting to get some food! He and Sasha are cut from the same mold. ;)