Sunday, October 25, 2009

Breaking the Seal

After reading the title, one might be inclined to reminisce about previous college 'good ol' days' where breaking the seal (a.k.a. drinking large quantities and peeing for the first time or 'breaking the seal' and thus opening up the faucet to a night of potty visits)was the biggest worry. This post was not intended to be focused on those nights but seeing as Aunt Erin's bachelorette party was celebrated last night it seems only fitting that some thoughts of that sort of 'breaking the seal' are mentioned. And since Mommy mentioned them, she might as well show a picture of the bride-to-be. Please note that of the nearly 75 pictures taken, this is the one and only suitable for this blog Mommy likes to call family friendly.

Of course prior to Erin's one suitable picture and fun-filled 'last night out' she was able to share in some family friendly fun with Jacer in the pool. Predictably, he refused to wear his actual swimming trunks but his pull-up somehow made it all ok.

And there is nothing like a cute boy strutting around in his Mommy's Uggs...and a headband.

And finally, Mommy gets back to her point. The seal was recently broken. Mommy's seal. Mommy's seal on purchasing pink clothes. She was proud to make it a full 2 days after the confirmation of 2 legs. But then, she bought these.

And the seal has been broken. Mommy is likely to single handedly stimulate the economy for the next 18-21 years. On pink and ruffles.