Sunday, June 7, 2009

You found a WHAT?!

Friday was Jace's last day of daycare for the year. It was a bittersweet time because although Jace and Mommy are thrilled to have time for some R and R, they will both miss his school so much! He has had the best time this year and has learned so, so, much. Mommy was unaware that kids in the toddler room could learn the days of the week! Anyway, Mommy and Jace wanted to do something special for his friends. When Mommy first asked Jace what he would like to take for them on Friday....he said 'Shoes'. At first thought, this seems silly. After more contemplation however, Mommy realized that this was actually very generous because:

1)Mommy did not specify that she was thinking more along the lines of taking food.
2)One of Jace's absolute favorite things in the world is shoes (the apple doesn't fall far) so offering them to his friends was actually a wonderful gesture.
3)Jace has enough shoes to clothe not only the toddler room but probably the entire center.

Anyway, Mommy was able to divert Jace's attention and suggested cookies or cupcakes. Jace decided he wanted to take an Elmo cake. So, Thursday night, Mommy and Jace made this wonderful creation. (Sidenote: Mommy drooled all day thinking of the leftovers. When Jace arrived home that night he empty pan! The horror!)

Friday morning Jace was off to spend his last day with his friends and Mommy went to finish up a smidge of paperwork.

Ok, the smidge of paperwork ended up taking Mommy an extremely small amount of time. She couldn't pick Jace up early however because she had a 3:30 appointment to get blonde and beautiful. Soooo, she spent the day doing totally fun, relaxing things. Ok, so 3:30 comes and Mommy is sitting in her chair in the midst of getting pampered. She is honestly thinking about how great life it and how good she has it. She is going over how great her job is and how perfect it is to have this stress-free summer....When ALL OF A SUDDEN, the hairdresser says, 'Oh my, a gray hair!'. Mommy was flabbergasted. What, How, WHY?!! The lady goes on and on about how it is much to early to have gray and how Mommy's job must be so stressful!!
Nix everything Mommy was just thinking!!