Monday, June 8, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Mommy so did NOT get lost on her trail run this week. Of course she would never try and squeeze a 3 mile run in over her lunch hour (or two). Mommy is very responsible and would never get so turned around that she would run by the same window 5 times (and see the same people). She is so responsible in fact that her inconspicuous run on the trails would never turn into 5-6 miles on the highway for all of the free world to see!

And since we all know that Daddy NEVER does anything silly, it's a good thing he did not get preoccupied by Mommy, Jace, and his friend Nate after a run last week. He wasn't so oblivious to anything that he drove to work the next day and back and to get Jace's haircut before being stopped by a state trooper. And since Daddy is full of common sense he didn't have the state trooper hand him his Ipod off the back bumper of his car! Nope, Daddy didn't forget he put it there after his run and drive around for nearly 2 days!!