Saturday, April 25, 2009

'Lil of this and 'lil of that

The title is not only indicative of the pictures included today but also of the recent weather. It has been anywhere from the 70's, 80's, and nearly 90's at the end of the week to 50's and rainy this weekend.

What is a boy to do? What is a boy to wear?

Mommy has been hard at work organizing and toting up (as opposed to boxing up) winter clothes. She has labeled and stored, shoved and pushed; only to open and pull again this weekend! Jace hasn't had the luxury of organizing and storing his clothes but he is confused as to if it is winter or summer? He always likes his arms and legs covered...and clean. The recent shot of hot weather threw him for a loop (understatement). It took some convincing to get him to wear shorts and t-shirts. It took even more convincing to get him to wear these clothes all day after getting sand and dirt on them. He is constantly asking to wash his hands and clothes. If he thinks Mommy is going to be able to keep up with this weird cleanliness he somehow acquired, he has another thing coming. Cleanliness has always been somewhat of an afterthought for Mommy!

Anywho, enough chatter about nothing. Here's the pics that really have no purpose other than to satisfy certain people's need for visual documentation of Jace.

What lovely flowers planted! Really, it's only smart. Mommy has somewhat of a...shall we say, black thumb. Black, meaning death. Poor plants never know what hit 'em!

More M's pease?

Jace loves him some trains (still).

And some Elmo.


Preston and Ashten's World said...

Dirt...oh please..enjoy he like to be clean...mine LOVES to find any little bit of it and cover himself!