Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Daycare Drama

It was bound to happen.....Daddy and Ozzy LOVE to wrestle and play ROUGH. Jace has always enjoyed sitting back and watching the action.....until yesterday.

Apparently there was an incident at daycare involving Jace and another little boy after lunch. Jace did some sort of John Cena tackle and got the kid on the floor. A few punches ensued, followed by hysteria on the part of the kid on the bottom. Jace was promptly removed from the situation, put in time-out, and forced to wait for the rath of Mommy and Daddy.

It would have seemed like all was forgiven until this morning when Mommy dropped Jace off at daycare. The director of the daycare wanted to have a little 'chat' with Mommy, which ended in a 'suggestion' that Jace find a new daycare. Apparently, his 'attackee' has powerful parents who do not want to see Jace around anytime soon. Needless to say, Mommy and Daddy are extremely upset and unsure of what to do. Jace had never even been put in time-out at daycare prior to yesterday. Of course Mommy left tearfully and prepared to start her daycare search again. She keeps playing it over and over again in her head......

Does this look like the face of a violent toddler?

Ok, maybe a little mischievous....but what about this face?

Mommy and Daddy didn't think so..........that's why it's a good thing it is.....



Preston and Ashten's World said...

Hahaha...funny funny....I was definetely believing it...not that I think Jace is violent...but hey that is the age...Preston yanked a kid off a chair the other day because he thought he was going to eat his treat...yess...mommy was MORTIFIED!

Mavi, Keenan, and Braylon said...

You dork- I had cell phone in hand to call you!

Anonymous said...

that was not nice! I was feeling sorry for you! F.A.K.