Wednesday, March 4, 2009

When Daddy and Jace are alone for the day.....

THIS is what you get...

Jace and Daddy had another leisurely Wednesday today. Actually, it didn't end up being that leisurely because Mommy was a little confused (can you imagine that!?) about the hop-a-thon. For some reason she had it in her head that the hop was on Tuesday. Well, apparently she was was today. Of course it was on a day when Jace doesn't typically go to daycare. No worries, Daddy just took Jace in to hop with his class. The problem was.....Jace wouldn't hop!! Ok, he hopped 4 times. What kind of wus hopping is that?! MeMe says Jace is the best hopper in class (of course right) but for some reason he was not gonna do it today. Turns out he was a tired munchkin and came home and took a 3 hour nap! He woke up and was hopping like a bunny on his way to Easter! Figures. It's a good thing everyone gave flat donations instead of pledging per hop. Jerry Lewis would have been mighty disappointed otherwise!
After the hopping madness was over....and the much needed nap was taken, Jace and Daddy headed out to get his weekly haircut. Ok, it's not quite that often but with that mop he could almost handle it. Actually it isn't even a mop anymore. It literally does not need all that fancy gel Mommy used to get. It now stands perfectly straight up all on it's own! The problem arises when it has had a week or two to grow. Can anyone say...he stuck his hand in a light socket? Anyway, he is back to being cute as a button now with hair standing only where fashionably necessary.

Thanks again to all of Jace's hopping supporters. Sorry for the disappointing finish.