Monday, March 9, 2009

Weekend Recap

Jacer spent the past weekend at Grandma and Grandpa F.'s to catch up, get away, and attend a birthday party. He had a wonderful time as usual and managed to wrap Grandma and Grandpa even further around that little finger. It was his cousin Emma's 5th birthday blowout so Jace couldn't miss that. He and Emma are special friends and always have fun together. Unfortunately Mommy forgot to feed Jace so the first part of the party was a little rough. Seriously, who forgets to feed their child? Mommy and Grandma kept saying how tired Jace was.....well 2 lbs of french fries, pizza, chicken, chips, and cake later (without sleeping) Jace was a-ok! Apparently those little bodies need food! Forgetting to feed Jace leads Mommy into her next blogging experiment. First, you must see weekend pics. Look to the end of the post for Mommy's Not Me Monday installment!

First, a reminder of just how darn cute Mommy and Daddy's first furry baby is:

Jace and Grandma walked around downtown while Mommy attempted to spend money on her own. They went to the pet store and Jace picked out some treats for Reggie. He was so excited but Reggie turned his nose up at them...that is until everyone left later and he got into the bag and ate them all!

Jace received some late b-day presents from Fabulous Kay and Debbie. It was great timing after getting so many b-day and Christmas presents all at once. He, of course, loved the Duncan train.....that he really got because he whined for it.

Jace and Gma checking out the Mighty Mississippi

Jace even learned how to skip...ok, throw rocks.

MMMMM Gma and Gpa cooking.....much better than Mommy's.

Jace's first attempt at bowling. Luckily Fabulous Uncle Doug was along to save the day when Jace was done after 3 frames.

Hmmm, which ball shall I choose???

Jace among girls....seems to fit him well. Notice the birthday girl...making the strange face.

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
MckMama has an awesome blog and is a very talented writer. She does Not Me! Monday! weekly in order to let bloggers share some of their proudest...or not so proudest moments from the week. Since Mommy frequently has these moments she decided to share a few this week. Of course keeping with the 3rd person theme of the blog, it shall be renamed Not Mommy! Monday!

Mommy did not forget to feed Jace for a span of nearly 6 hours. That would be ridiculous. She would never forget to feed her own starving child!

Mommy did not, no way what-so-ever call Daddy from her cell phone upstairs because he was downstairs. No Way! Mommy is a runner for pete's sake. That would make her lazy!

Mommy did not decide on one particular night that skipping teeth brushing for Jace was ok since he hadn't touched a morsel of food since afternoon snack. Again, Mommy would never be that lazy. Not Jace's Mommy!

And finally, Mommy definitely did not nearly fall off her chair laughing with 5th grade boys because the vocab. word was duty. She would never have a dirty enough mind to think of duty in an icky way. Of course that never happened because Mommy does not by any means have potty training and doody on her brain. Nope, Mommy is not as immature as a 5th grade boy!


Preston and Ashten's World said...

Im jealous of all that gma and gpa time!

Rachel said...

You called your husband from upstairs?! So funny!!! Sounds like something I would do.