Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mr. Independent

Jace had a great weekend filled with Grandma fun, timeouts, and eating a LOT of food. Apparently little man is growing again because he can't get enough food in his body as of late! At his 1-year appointment he weighed around 19 1/2 pounds and today Mommy finally got Jace to stand on the scale at home long enough to weigh him and he is up to 22 lbs.! He has also grown almost an inch and a half since his birthday (according to Mommy's generic use of a tape measure)! But back to the weekend--It began on Friday night when Grandma F. came up to visit. She even spent the night and stayed with Jace on Saturday morning while Mommy and Daddy ran in a 5k. Out of respect to Daddy, Mommy is not going to indicate who won. Ahem. So after the race (in which the winner will remain unnamed) Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, and Jace went to lunch and then did a little shopping. Jace's Sunday was spent playing outside and doing little else besides eating!
As was indicated in the title, Jace is becoming Mr. Independent. According to a couple of Mommy's friends (who will also remain nameless- but you know who you are) Jace is an angel and therefore Mommy's #2 munchkin shall be a hellion. Crazy as it may sound to Mommy's friends, Jace spent a great part of this weekend in timeout. He has a new found love of hitting and throwing tantrums. Of course timeout really gets to Jace very little. He even appears to enjoy it at times. Mommy was going to get a picture of Jace in timeout just for proof that he isn't always the laid-back, go-with-the-flow guy. That idea was squashed however when Jace smiled for the camera. Of course Mommy is aware that this is all an inevitable part of toddlerhood, as is Jace's increasing independence. And speaking of independence, Jace has been working very hard on using a fork and spoon all by himself to eat--he does quite a good job too!

Using a spoon to eat his yogurt..........

Props to the boy who tries to use a fork with spaghetti at 14 months! Of course he did intermittently shove a fist full in his mouth as well--the boy understands efficiency!

As anyone who has ever been around a toddler for more than 2 seconds knows--they are total sponges! Jace takes in everything we do and will imitate it at the oddest times. I believe Aunt Alisa and Uncle Eric have some experience in this department with little Mavi! :) Of course Jace's imitations aren't frequently verbal yet, but are rather little routines and physical movements we make. He loves to get a kleenex, hold it to his nose for a minute, and then take it to the trash! Jace also loves to 'hang in the garage' like his Daddy!

Another unfortunate imitation is happening in this picture--dancing. Jace loves to dance and does it every chance he gets. Note the fingers pointed, doing somewhat of a strange disco move! Yep, he has been watching Mommy!

And Jace's final Mr. Independent action of the week--drinking out of a water bottle, chillin' with Ozzy. Doesn't he look so grown up? Sniff. Sniff.


Anonymous said...

Hey dude...when are we getting together...what's your plans for the summer...I know you mommy is off then...perhaps we can do a trip or you can come here...we have lots of fun things...let us know! P