Sunday, March 2, 2008

Jace at nearly 14 months..............

Since many of you don't get the priviledge of seeing Jace everyday as we do, today seemed as good as any to update you on the Jace we know and love.

*He LOVES to put things together and 'figure out how they work' whether it be legos, puzzles, or even putting caps on pens.

*Jace's favorite toys at the moment are trucks, blocks, puzzles, and his stuffed dog Ty.

* Jace is REALLY into books right now. His favorite is The Pokey Little Puppy--which we read hundreds of times a day.

*He loves Ozzy. He plays with him, feeds him, pets him, and uses him as a pillow. Jace likes to call him Bu Bu (what Mommy calls him).

*Jace likes to help himself to food if he can reach it. Several mornings Mommy has come into the kitchen to find him eating a graham cracker (and of course he gives one to Ozzy too)! Jace also goes in and turns on the t.v. in the morning.

*He likes to pretend to talk on the phone holding it to his ear and talking jibberish.

*Jace hasn't had a bottle in over a month! He LOVES his milk and likes to drink water out of a grown-up cup.

*Jace's favorite foods right now are fruit bars, cheese, yogurt, and eggs. Most other foods, Ozzy gets at least 1/2 of......

*One of his favorite people is Sam--his daycare provider's 2nd grade son. They hang out together all the time and you will never see a smile as big on Jace as when he sees Sam in the morning.

*Jace is a total ham. He loves to be the center of attention (most of the time). He also has a great sense of humor (most of the time). He and Mommy spend many hours just laughing.

*Jace's newest attention seeking behavior is pretending to choke. He will look at you and make gagging sounds to see if you will react. Again, not good because Mommy and Daddy usually ignore him now when he sounds like he is choking--of course when he is walking around with no food in sight it doesn't take a genius!

*Jace loves to dance and appears to have better rhythm than his Mommy.

*He can point out his nose, eyes, ears and sometimes his belly when asked. He also likes to lift people's shirts to get a peek at their bellys!

*Jace really likes to play ball and is actually pretty good at throwing them. He also likes to throw them down the stairs and go get them over and over and over and OVER.

*Jace loves the fact that he can run around now. He especially loves running around outside.

*Jace has 10..going on 13 teeth!

*Jace has more hair than three 14-month olds should have. He had a haircut in Jan. is in dire need of another. His hair is definitely his trademark--we rarely go anwhere without multiple comments on his stylish do!

There is so so much more we could say to describe the little guy but those are just a few highlights of him as a 14-month old. Mommy of course does this blog to keep all of Jace's loved ones up to date, but also so someday Jace can look back and see what a goof he was!