Thursday, February 14, 2008

Mommy's Little Valentine

Jace's Valentine's Day got started a little early this year. He had a checkup for his ears on Wednesday afternoon (which was great) so Mommy and Daddy decided to go out to eat after Jace's appointment rather than fight the masses on Thursday. As usual Jace spent most of the meal turned around completely in his high chair waiting for anyone to give him the slightest attention. The red hat ladies were in the restaurant so Jace had a great time (to Mommy's dismay) pointing and giggling at them. And, as is getting to be a habit, Jace offered his milk to nearly every person that walked by our table. In the end it was a very nice Valentine's Day dinner. When Jace got home however, he had to kick it in high gear to get his Valentines ready for the next morning. That meant picking out the perfect card for his friends and getting their candy together.

Hmmmmm, which one???

On Valentine's morning Jace took cards and candy to his friends at daycare and he gave Lori (who watches him) this lovely rose that he picked out. He was pretty proud of it although we are lucky it made it to her house in one piece--Jace seemed to think it was some sort of sword.....

Jace had a great time at daycare making heart shaped cupcakes--and cakes for Mommy and Daddy..yummy. He also got to drink pink milk all day long! Agrrr--real men drink pink!

And finally to end his fun-filled day, Jace opened a few presents from none other than Cupid himself.

Happy Heart Day!