Friday, November 15, 2013

Holy Moly!

How does it keep happening that Mommy gets so far behind on blogs? She doesn't even realize it and then 2 weeks have passed! Her sincere apologies. Moving on....

This is one sassy lady. With one pumpkin leg warmer. Cause that's how sassy ladies roll.

In Fabulous Aunt Kay's backyard! Jace and Lexa found a bobcat trap with Tate and Tauren!

Paul (Gator Boy Paul) has a new skateboard. Excuse Mommy...Jace has a new skateboard. When you are made to call someone something for so long it starts to stick.

Lexa and Hawkeye fell asleep together on the couch the other night.  He kinda has his arms around her. Awww.

And finally, Jace and Hawkeye. Who really have similar looks on their faces......
That's's to hopes of another post in less than 2 weeks!