Friday, June 21, 2013

Lexa Logic.

Some of you have heard Mommy speak of 'Lexa Logic'. Some of you have actually heard it in person. For those who haven't, it is basically daily proof that Lexa's calling is to be a lawyer. She has a reason/argument for everything and 90% of the time Mommy ends up being convinced. Call Mommy a pushover but once a few of these gems are shared you too will believe in 'Lexa Logic'.

Lexa Logic example #1.
Mommy: Lexa, please wear a dress. They are so pretty and beautiful. And princesses wear dresses.
Lexa: Then you wear a dress.
At this point all Mommy could think was...touche girlfriend.

Lexa Logic example #2.
Lexa: Can I have 3 cookies?
Mommy: You have probably already had 3 cookies today. You can have 1.
Lexa: Well, I've already had 1 too so I will just take 4.
Once again, touche.