Thursday, May 2, 2013

This Week.

This week's activities will be presented to you in picture form.....
On Monday, Jace did the birthday blessing reading at Monday Morning Prayer.  In case you were wondering, this is not in fact at school. Mommy remembered to take a picture of him practicing but forgot her camera for the actual event. Typical. But he did great...pulled the microphone down to his level and spoke loudly. The shirt tucked in and shorts to his belly button are still a work in progress....

Meanwhile, Lexa....brushed her teeth? For the life of her, Mommy cannot remember the purpose of this picture. There certainly was one though. So here you go...Lexa with a toothbrush.

Tuesday. Tuesday is the day after karate. So Jace needed a mouthguard. You know...for sparring. Apparently when you put it in your mouth it makes your eyes do weird things too.
 And Lexa did a little jig. Not much more one can say about that.

Wednesday was Jace's art show at school. His picture is the one at the top. Entitled 'Cars'. 

And there you go. A close up. Did you ever doubt Mommy would have a close up?

Thursday Lexa spent the day at home with Daddy. While he painted the kitchen she played dolls. Well, dolls and the Hulk. This picture is living proof she has an older brother.

And the night ended with a cheer. A cheerleader in a tutu!
The weekend is set to include a visit from Keegan, Aunt Erin, and Grandma...that is if they can make it in the May blizzard! Pictures to come.....