Thursday, December 20, 2012

Winter Fun!

Quite a bit of winter fun has been happening around Jace and Lexa's parts. A little food, a little (or lot) snow, and a little play time!

Cake Pops. Check out the black stained tongues...that can't be healthy.
If Mommy isn't careful, people are going to start expecting fun, crafty things from her.

Lexa got new boots! Hello Kitty boots. Can't top that.

And you can see why the boots were bought just in time.....Mommy, Jace, and Lexa had a snow day today! A portion of the day was spent playing in the snow. It ended up being a much longer stint than Mommy originally expected as 2 minutes in Jace said his body 'hurt ALL OVER'. Mommy adjusted his coat so the snow could no longer run down his chest and that seemed to cure the problem......

Snow Angels. There is another picture of him with his head buried in the snow. Literally.  Mommy didn't upload it though because that's just WEIRD.

It was amazing there was any snow left to snowblow after Lexa got done. She never stopped shoveling in her mouth.

Ending the afternoon with a nice cup of hot chocolate. 
And that's the end. Here's to clear roads by tomorrow!