Thursday, September 6, 2012

2 1/2...going on 12.

Lexa Bean is 2 1/2 tomorrow! So hard to believe yet so believable since she already acts like a teenager at times. 

Lexa, at 2 1/2 you:

*wear mostly 2T clothes (although 18 or 24 months are not out of the question). Wear a size 6 shoe. And what size diaper? Oh yes, NO DIAPER! You have been potty trained for about a month now and are doing swell!

*weigh about 24 lbs. and are 34 inches tall. Keep in mind that these are Mommy's measures but they are probably close enough.

*love to color and read books. Your favorite color is blue and your favorite book is Clifford Goes to School. You ask for it constantly and have the majority of it memorized.

*know all of your colors, your abc's, count to 15, and are beginning to identify some letters.

*are very girly. You LOVE having your nails done and wearing fun clothes. You are not as in to your hair but you are becoming more willing to let Mommy mess with that mop you have. You have not yet had your first haircut.

*love playing with babies. You are somewhat into Dora and barbies but you do not yet have an obsession like your brother always did. You do not watch tv much as Mommy has tried....just for 5 minutes. Please!

*LOVE playing outside. Your activity of choice at the park is the swings but you also enjoy the slide and are much more of a daredevil than Jace was.

*TALK, TALK, TALK. You talk all. the. time. You can talk for an hour without anyone else saying anything. Seriously. It has been witnessed. As much as this pleases the Speech Pathologist in your Mommy, she just has to sigh at times too.

*like to eat chicken nuggets, apples, avocado, apple juice, and suckers. Your newest obsession is gum. Oh the gum. Another sigh.

*love your brother. You fight more these days than ever before but you look up to him very much. You copy whatever he is doing no matter if it makes sense. You imitate most of what he says and want to do everything he does. All you want to be when you grow up is in kindergarten. You are also a big fan of Ozzy and Reggie...who both are very patient with you and your hugs and kisses.

*are extremely strong willed. Nobody is going to push you around and you have no qualms letting your opinion be known. Mommy loves this about you but it is tough to deal with in a 2-year old sometimes. But Mommy knows you are going to be something big. People love you and you have a way of sucking them in. Lexa Bean is gonna be HUGE someday!!

Happy 1/2 birthday Bean!