Monday, August 6, 2012

Jace Phelps

The Olympics have been a magic pill for Jace. The Jace who, 2 months ago, needed a wash cloth over his face in the bath. The Jace who was a bundle of nerves if water came above his ankles. The Jace who, under no circumstances, wanted his hair wet in the pool. No more folks. That Jace is a changed man. His new be an Olympic swimmer. Oh how he laughs in the face of irony. More on that later. Check out a few other recent pictures first.....

It is so time for school/work to begin again. 

Jace and his spider monkey doing a little snuggling.

No words.

Jace meeting his newest cousin (maybe 2nd cousin? Mommy has never been good with that. Logan is Mommy's cousin Kelsey's new bundle of joy).

Getting ready to swim at the pool in Grandma and Grandpa's town. Ignore the glare coming off Jace's tummy. Another result of the Olympics. Jace does not want to wear the swim shirt he has worn all summer. Because Michael Phelps does not. He is also on the hunt for a swim cap. But trust Mommy when she says, he adjusts his imaginary cap and goggles before he dives in each time.

There he is! Gold medalist 2024! He will now swim under water....without plugging his nose (he says without holding his breath but Mommy is at least 90% certain he still holds his breath), go under all the water falls at the pool, do some resemblance of a regular swim posture (does the arm motions AND kicks his legs WITH his face in the water), jump in, and float on his belly. Oh thank you Olympics. And peer pressure at the pool. You have saved our boy!