Saturday, July 21, 2012

So late.

So sorry this post is so late!! Mommy and crew have been busy and not always near the computer. Mommy will fill you in below......
Mommy was noticing that she rarely gets pictures with Ozzy. He has slowed down a little and is not always in the middle of the action like he used to be. Case in point....nearly sleeping while 2 kids pounce on him for a photo op.

Mommy went to Kansas City to run in the Glow Run last weekend. She ran with a blogger/facebook friend Rachel who she had never met in real life! It was a great time and she totally thinks they need to do it again sometime! Seriously, the socks rock right!?

Jacer finished up his t-ball season last week as well. He was kind enough to stop for a picture with his sister. Aren't they sweet?

The final team huddle for the Hawkeye stars. 

A trip to Grandma and Grandpa's was had mid-week for some fishing and swimming in the pond. And of course...Nutella! Who can resist a chocolate mustache?!

Oh bean. Always trying to pull a fast one on somebody. Usually Mommy.

Jace and Mommy participated in a run/walk to support the families of 2 missing girls (Elizabeth and Lyric) from the area who are now thought to have been abducted from one of the bike paths. Mommy evaluated Elizabeth's little sister this year and Mommy's friend works with Elizabeth in speech. Lyric attends the school Mommy used to be assigned to. The run/walk was a lot of fun and even included face painting!

And pink hair!! And of course..double bonus when you run into your best friend from preschool!

That's all for now friends! Check back again for more regular updates....that's the plan anyway.