Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A little update.

Just a little update to allow you to see some of the cuteness Mommy has the pleasure of seeing everyday.

Real men wear bibs. And sit at pink tables.

The princess in her boa.

Dance party USA!

Awww. They really do love eachother. At least 10% of the time.  Mommy typically doesn't think to capture a picture when they are swinging at one another.

First (and only) snowman of the year. Lexa took pleasure in eating him while Jace was upset. It didn't end up making a difference either way as he melted within a couple days.

Ready to hit her 1st Super Bowl Party....rockin' 2 ponies!

Mommy has to share what is likely going to be something she teases Jace about for many years. She received her first email from Jace's teacher last week. Jace is very much a rule follower and rarely gets in trouble so when Mommy began reading she didn't think much of it. Until she realized that Jace was indeed in trouble. Apparently he is excessively playing superheroes at school. It is beginning to interfere with his learning. During center time the stuffed animals fight eachother and turn into venom and the green goblin. Ok, so Mommy did have a talking with Jace...primarily because he wasn't listening when the teacher told him to stop. After their talk however, Mommy had a good laugh. Only Jace would get a naughty email for 'excessive superhero play'!!
And just so you know, he has improved after his talkin' to and is now using the centers as they were intended to be used.

Until next time!