Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Jace!

5 years ago today it was nearly 50 degrees and one of the best days of Mommy's life. It began around 4 am with a gush of water and ended at 8:27 pm with a beautiful baby boy and his signature hair swirl.

Jace, at 5 years you:

*LOVE spiderman. This probably is very obvious right now but when you read this in 15 years you may have forgotten. Or maybe not.

*are around 37 lbs and 42-43 inches?? You wear a size 4 or 5T and a size 11 shoe.

*are very sensitive. You are a people pleaser and like to follow the rules.

*love preschool! It took a good 2-3 weeks but since then you have enjoyed every minute of it. Your best friends at school are Hunter, Lucas, and Joshua.

*are a great big brother. Your sister is very vocal and loves to push you (both figuratively and literally) whenever the opportunity is there. You typically keep your cool with her and are great about teaching her things and giving her hugs.

*love to eat chicken nuggets. Preferably in a McDonalds Happy Meal but you also like the Kids Cuisine meals. You also love everything sweet. You have slowed down some on your milk consumption but milk or water are still your drinks of choice.

*like to color, cut, and watch movies and Cartoon Network. You also enjoy playing outside (when it isn't January...or when it is this year), wrestling with Daddy, and watching Tony Stewart on Sunday. You have gotten into fishing and basketball with Daddy as well.

*can write your name, recognize many simple words, and are beginning to sound out and spell simple words. You understand simple math concepts and are able to do addition using your little fingers.

*school has you very interested in Jesus and heaven. You are constantly asking Mommy questions and are so inquiring about things when she doesn't know how the heck to answer.

*are typically shy at first but open up to people fairly quickly. You have a stubborn streak and really, REALLY like getting your way. Mommy still is very aware that you have been and are an extremely easy child. She never worries about taking you places and always knows both hands will be free to catch  your sister.

*are one of the sweetest, smartest, cutest boys Mommy has ever known. She is so proud that you are hers (ok fine, and Daddy's....but Mommy takes complete credit for your awesome hair) and loves you lots. As she always tell you, you are her best friend and her favorite boy ever!

Happy Birthday Jacer!


Anonymous said...

lets celebrate your big day with your cock in my mouth and my fingers in your bum, It is time to get that little hole stretched ready for next birthday when I make you a big boy, for this year once I finish sucking your cock I am going to cum in your mouth, you are getting good now and swallow it all and if we are alone you will even unzip my pants and start sucking my cock all by yourself