Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ha Ha...Also known as Omaha.

Lexa refers to Omaha as 'Ha Ha' and Mommy thought it was so cute she had to use it in the title. She also used it because that was the destination last weekend. Mr. Keegan was baptized and it was a weekend-long family affair. The hotel was so-so but the wine was wonderful...just ask Erin, Rita, and Grandma. Luckily for them, Mommy is always responsible. Ahem. On to the pictures.....

In front of Komp Chiropractic. With Jace. Probably should have been Keegan in the picture but we all know it's best not to mess with Jace.

Swimming in the...so called kiddie pool. Whatever, it worked. Jace was happy as a clam to not be in water past his ankles.

It appears that his spider sense was tingling.

Mommy and Lexa...aren't they sweet. Well Lexa is anyway.

Lexa being adjusted by Aunt Erin. She just jumped right up on that table...ok not really cause the girl is extremely short...but she was lifted right up and got cracked like a champ.

Kona pulling Jace. Literally pulling him. Weird.

The man of the day catching up on some light reading.

Jace and Lexa before the baptism. Mommy will give you 1 guess as to what Jace is shooting....

Ah yes. Mommy and Aunt Erin circa 10:00 pm on Saturday night. Nothing else to say...except nice shades.

This picture was from last week but just too cute not to share.

And another of Daddy showing his fatherly side with Keegan out to eat.

Anyone else wondering why the only one looking at the camera is the 6-month old?

The End!


Rachel said...

How funny! We were in Omaha over the weekend, too. We took a trip to the zoo. Thanks for sharing all the web slinging. I love that Jace has his spidey sense for use at a moments notice. Jackson uses "the force" in all our pictures or just randomly because...well, because he can. I think I may need to limit his Star Wars viewing time.