Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Just a Few.

Just a few pictures to fill you in on the latest happenings. Enjoy!

Miss Lexa looking smashing.

Jacer and Gaige (most likely being spiderman)during a picnic lunch at the park.

Mommy couldn't resist these spiderman pj's for Jace the other day. The problem is they are winter pajamas. Yeah, try telling him that. It is 95 degrees outside and Jace has on flannel!

Lexa Bean exploring her artistic side. Good luck girlfriend....you are gonna need it with your genetics!

A girl cannot leave home without her purse.

At Joshua's birthday party. Oh look at cute little Joshua smiling at the camera while Jace is being....spiderman. Again.

Enjoying herself at the inflatable park. (Please don't judge Mommy. You are required to wear socks in order to jump. Even if they don't exactly go with your dress.)

Opening presents at Joshua's party. It was a little anti-climatic. Since Jace informed Joshua what was in his present when he walked in the door and all.

Until next time....