Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Road Trip

The whole family took another road trip last weekend. And by 'whole family'
Mommy means Ozzy too. So of course Mommy was squished in between two car seats in the back seat while Ozzy rode shotgun. It’s an odd sight if you happen to drive by. It’s actually even more odd when Mommy sees it in print. It is what it is though and everyone knows a 90 lb. dog should never be uncomfortable. Ever. Right Daddy?

So moving on….It was a great trip. Tom Thomas finally caught up to his wife and became a Dr. so the weekend was spent celebrating and eating. As if the two aren’t synonyms. It was most likely the last trip to KC for a while as the K Drs. are moving to Omaha. Boo Hoo to no more Drury Inn. Jacer will sincerely miss the 'All You Can Eat' Lucky Charms marshmallows. Mommy, on the other hand, would never sit and pick out only the marshmallows. Oh the horror!

Check out all the fun that was had.....

Jace posing with the grad

Jace just kind of wandered over and into their family pic. They look good with two kids though right? Get on that Aunt Erin!

Lexa taking a snooze with her Daddy

Running the halls with Grandpa. One would think the 4-year old would be the instigator. Not so....

Proof that Ozzy is the king of the world. Ignore the icky doggie goober on the seat.

Just a little classic Lexa for ya

Jace's self-portrait

Lexa ready to make some noise

Taking a break at the mall

Lexa eating. Oh boy. This would be right after she stole Jace's spoon and proceeded to dig into his bowl! She still loves her food.

Jace proving once again what a stud he is. He even shot webs in mid-air

More classic Lexa

And a little Jace

Getting 'carted' by Grandpa

For all of those not sure if Lexa has really grown....check it out!

And Mommy just realized she doesn't have any close-up pictures of Mr. Keegan. He is still as cute as ever though. Jace and Lexa will be seeing him again this weekend so more pictures are promised!