Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Bean!

Lexa, at 12 months:

*you are still a tiny thing with a huge personality!

*you are a busy little girl. You are just starting to get into books but that is about all you have time to sit around for. Changing your diaper right now is a nightmare!

*you have taken steps but are not walking yet. You tend to want to run before you walk which is really slowing down the whole process!

*you continue to wear a size 3 diaper and size 12 month clothes. You still have plenty of smaller things that fit you just fine as well. Your itty bitty feet still have no problem fitting into a size 2 shoe either!

*you are infatuated with Ozzy. You hug him, jump on him, lay on him, etc., etc., throughout the day. Oz is such a good sport 90% of the time.

*you are an EATER! You are pretty much done with your bottle but will eat anything else offered to you…and a lot of it. You have amazed many a persons with your food consuming abilities.

*you continue to love to play with cars and trucks but also give your dolls plenty of love.

*you can show 1 finger for how old you are, do several signs, say ‘hi’ like it’s nobody’s business, and point out eyes, nose, and mouth. You also are getting in to pretend play. You love to pretend to be on the phone, use the remote, comb your hair, and many other things.

*you have turned into a magical sleeper!!! You go down between 6:30-7:00 every night and sleep until 6:30 or 7:30 in the morning. You are transitioning to 1 nap but typically nap between 2-3 hours during the day. Go girl!

*you have 6 teeth….4 on top and 2 on bottom. You have bitten Mommy a few times. They are sharp.

*your locks continue to grow and get thicker. Still straight as a board and pretty wild and crazy without the use of detangler and a comb.

Mommy can't wait to see what the next year brings. She has been walking on air since October 21st 2009, when she heard the words, 'it's a girl'. You are such a fun, happy little thing and Mommy couldn't love you more!

P.S. Pictures of Lexa's party will be forthcoming.