...another day in the life of Jace and Lexa! And Ozzy.
Yep, it's rough.
A few updates.....
Jace continues to be as sweet as ever 90% of the time. He loves to come up and give Mommy hugs and kisses for no reason. At supper he will sit and say, 'oooh, this is so good Mommy, thankyou'. Just a sweetheart.
He is really, really into Spiderman right now. He is on a semi-strike of most colored clothing and will only wear red much of the time. This is because he can't spin webs if he isn't wearing red.
He and Daddy have taken up wrestling at night. He can do several moves that look very painful which is why Mommy opts out of these activities.
Jace also entertains himself much of the time now. He always has been good at playing independently but he will do his Tag books or build things for hours without any help.
Lexa is a ball of fire! A huge personality in a tiny little body. The girl has no problem letting her wants and needs be known. She has started to do a super loud yell when she is mad. She takes toys from her brother like it's nobody's business and says, 'na na'. Pretty sure that means, 'no way, that is mine'. A week or so ago, Mommy was in the kitchen and she could hear Jace and Lexa fighting over a toy. After a couple of minutes Jace says, "ok, Lexa. Just give it to me when you are done".
She is walking quite a bit more but is still quicker at crawling. She will typically start out walking and then remember how much more efficient crawling is! She can make it across any room as long as she doesn't turn her head more than 30 degrees in either direction.
Lexa can be the most loving little thing and then decide she doesn't want anyone to change her diaper and throw a big fit. She WILL be the one in the middle of the aisle at the grocery store.
Mommy really loves her personality even with all it's challenges. She knows Lexa is never gonna get run over and will always stand up for herself!
And since Ozzy was in the picture too Mommy will update you on him also. He is just Ozzy. Sounds mean, rough, and tough and won't let anyone he doesn't know near his family. Then at night he snuggles up next to whoever will take him. He seems to be slowing down a bit but still loves to go for walks and play. He is so tolerant of the kids...particularly Lexa, who is infatuated with him. Occasionally Ozzy will get irritated and just walk away but for the most part he just lays there and lets her climb, pull, and poke.
And there you have it! The children (real and furry alike) in a nutshell.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Just another day.....
Posted by Jace and Lexa at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Mommy fiercely apologizes for the long blogging hiatus. It started innocently enough and then was extended when Mommy spent much of her Spring Break in KC.
Yes, Jace and Lexa have a new cousin! Keegan was born last Tuesday morning on March 15. He is an adorable little guy who has already given his Mommy and Daddy plenty of lessons on the worries associated with parenting.
Ok, so backtracking to last weekend....
Jace and Daddy went to a sports show that featured a guy wrestling an alligator and trout fishing.
The week 'o fun started off with a little sibling love. Ain't it sweet?
Oh yes, there was more where that came from.
This is Miss Lexa sitting innocently while Mommy was freaking out that she was going to have to cut her hair. It seems Bean rubbed half of a poptart in her hair and it was STUCK. Apparently however, poptarts are not water resistant and Mommy discovered she had over reacted a smidge.
And speaking of Lexa and eating....She had her 1-year check up last week. She weighed in at 19.4 lbs and was a whopping 28 inches long! Ok, so both of those were around the 20th percentile. She does however, have a large noggin...like 70th percentile large. She is packing some serious brains!
Next up was Mommy's trip to KC. This would be her and the little munchkin himself. Isn't he sweet?
Mommy arrived home to two well and alive children on St. Patty's day. Daddy was even able to uncover their respective green shirts and dress them well. He did have to take a ponytail holder to Tricia because he couldn't tackle Lexa's hair quite yet.
And, they still loved eachother.
And last but not least, a picture before the wedding the family attended last night. This was unfortunately the best of the bunch. Mommy debated between sharing this one and the one of Lexa screaming her head off. You get this one.
Stay tuned. Mommy promises not to take such a long break ever, ever, ever again. Ever.
Posted by Jace and Lexa at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Birthday Pictures!
The first pictures are from Bean's party on Sunday. The rest are from her actual birthday yesterday. Mommy took the day off so she, Jace, and Lexa hung out and ate cake. And snapped pics of themselves. Is it possible to OD on birthday cake? Only time will tell......
Bean before her party.
Chowing on pizza.
The cake!
Lexa's mini cake.
The rocking chair Grandma, Grandpa, Tom, & Erin gave her. She has only fallen and bonked her head a handful of times so far.
Shades from Nana and Papa
Trying her cake....
And it's a hit! To nobody's surprise!
Mommy and her babies.
She loves it!
Brotherly love.
One last shot of the birthday girl. Ain't she perrrty!
Posted by Jace and Lexa at 6:55 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 7, 2011
Happy Birthday Bean!
Lexa, at 12 months:
*you are still a tiny thing with a huge personality!
*you are a busy little girl. You are just starting to get into books but that is about all you have time to sit around for. Changing your diaper right now is a nightmare!
*you have taken steps but are not walking yet. You tend to want to run before you walk which is really slowing down the whole process!
*you continue to wear a size 3 diaper and size 12 month clothes. You still have plenty of smaller things that fit you just fine as well. Your itty bitty feet still have no problem fitting into a size 2 shoe either!
*you are infatuated with Ozzy. You hug him, jump on him, lay on him, etc., etc., throughout the day. Oz is such a good sport 90% of the time.
*you are an EATER! You are pretty much done with your bottle but will eat anything else offered to you…and a lot of it. You have amazed many a persons with your food consuming abilities.
*you continue to love to play with cars and trucks but also give your dolls plenty of love.
*you can show 1 finger for how old you are, do several signs, say ‘hi’ like it’s nobody’s business, and point out eyes, nose, and mouth. You also are getting in to pretend play. You love to pretend to be on the phone, use the remote, comb your hair, and many other things.
*you have turned into a magical sleeper!!! You go down between 6:30-7:00 every night and sleep until 6:30 or 7:30 in the morning. You are transitioning to 1 nap but typically nap between 2-3 hours during the day. Go girl!
*you have 6 teeth….4 on top and 2 on bottom. You have bitten Mommy a few times. They are sharp.
*your locks continue to grow and get thicker. Still straight as a board and pretty wild and crazy without the use of detangler and a comb.
Mommy can't wait to see what the next year brings. She has been walking on air since October 21st 2009, when she heard the words, 'it's a girl'. You are such a fun, happy little thing and Mommy couldn't love you more!
P.S. Pictures of Lexa's party will be forthcoming.
Posted by Jace and Lexa at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Lexa's 1st Year!!
Mommy made this video montage for Lexa as one of her 1st birthday gifts. YOUR gift is getting to view it today also! Be warned...it's a little long. Like 15 minutes long.
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This digital slideshow created with Smilebox |
Posted by Jace and Lexa at 5:13 PM 0 comments